Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Departing with no one's regret

Imagine dying and not a tear is shed. Imagine family and friends having a party rather than a funeral when you die. That's the fate of king Jehoram in 2 Chronicles 21. He was the son of Jehoshaphat. His father, Jehoshaphat was a good king, but the son, Jehoram, did not follow his dad's example. He was only king for 8 years and this is the commentary on his life- "He departed with no one's regret."
The very thought amazes me. I live and love with the hope I make a difference in those around me and will be missed when I'm gone. Imagine those around us being glad we died. What kind of life would prompt this kind of response? How bad do you have to be for this to be your commentary?
Instead of this finale Peter invites us to a different kind of life when he writes, 1 Peter 2:12 "Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us." Live in such a way that you impact those around you for eternity. Make a difference for the soul, not for the soil. Be more than fertilizer when you're done. Live such full lives that the world will grieve when you die.
Jehoram is the perfect example of how NOT to live.

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