Wednesday, February 03, 2010

You write the title

It's a very busy and, to be honest, very dry day in my little brain so here is the photo of the day. You write the title or a short story if you wish. Have fun. I look forward to your wonderful creativity because today I have none!


  1. Gateway to Everywhere That Matters
    Takes a key called willingness to move through the Gateway to Everywhere That Matters. A small path leading away from bondage. One must seek to reach beyond the easy paths that lead to plain. Strength will be needed to get through, that comes only from above and within if the right power lives there. Otherwise there is forever tiredness. The veil is covering senses of those who do not fully understand the mystery envelops and weaves through matter molecules, but is not grasped, not seen nor heard. One must see the way. The freedom that comes from mastering the great Gateway is how simple it is yet how vast beyond measure it will be in every imaginable way. The only place that matters is searched for and emptiness is found, going around and around unless once small mustard seed can be found. A grain of faith that there is a better way and nothing else works. Or if one person would reaches out to the other to be used perhaps as the messenger, the eye opener, leading others to what one cannont get around, over, through, alone but ushered by the greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ boldy to the throne of heavan in purity by his being available as an example to those who are willing to see what is real and what is desolate. Some look but cannot figure it out, or don't think they can move through, "how?" they say, or "no thanks" or bang at the gate in attempts to shape it into something or in humble peace and submission with faith they say, "This is the only Gateway to Everywhere That Matters," and they follow becoming sheep, new creations born. Connecting with the body of Christ, all of us finding our places and moving down the path that leads to no thirst, hunger, pain, tears, growing each day, however in a sea of hope with a new relationships and wonders to discover in amongst the trials and tribulations that bring us along and refine us little by little like gold. Something real yet not this place. Not anymore. Not ever. Knock and the door opens, in seeking He is found. A lushness of spiritual wealth through each new day with the One every knee will bow, the master of all that matters~LORD. Thank you Jesus for wanting us to come through the Gateway to Everywhere that Matters and be with you, like you, living for you; because we want to out of gratitute for all you have done for us; because it is the only way to the Father, more reasons than the sand.

  2. Yes, WOW!!!!!!!!!!

    I can't even or ever think that well!

    VERY well done! Thanks for taking the time to write. It's obvious you write often and think a lot. What else have you written?

  3. Hi Mike,

    I wanted to see if it may be "rejected" because my mind felt like I may be not writing what you were intending to have written at almost 2 am. Sort of dry and muddy, but I tried to open from the heart and piece together something that first came to me, made sense to me anyway. Maybe the cat and bird are waiting in unison, coexisting. They could easily go around, through, the bird could fly away,over...

    It seemed neat and fun, challenging, so I tried and felt God motivated me (without him I am a shell, so need him to lead always). I posted it on the Facebook site (surprisingly, it didn't tell me 'too long' like usual : ) but I copy/pasted and deleted it on facebook and pasted/finished here until I received feedback. I wonder sometimes if my mind is too weird, but I guess that is OK, as I know my heart's desire is to share truth and pass on all I can to help others, either through prayer, a note (or novel here) or however the Lord would lead. I'm so in Love with God it doesn't matter to me. I write from the heart He created inside with hard work and overcoming, allowing him to carve out the old and replace it with the new over time, standing on each and every word of his word, promises and all through all times when the enemy sought to destroy.

    Maybe the wires symbolize the bondage that those are in who won't look, won't knock, won't surrender to know him. Of course they first reminded me of the crown of thorns.

    I think if you share from the heart you really cannot go wrong, especially in truth/love, but may take chances of being misunderstood, but we are all still learning and will be forever, right? No stasis or status quo. Always open for correction. growth. brokeness, to trade for what is real and can never be taken away and so much more valueable.

    The book with my google info was upstairs and didn't want to wake anyone, forgot information to sign in so chose anonymous. But you probably could tell, there is the strange one again. I don't/didn't know my URL for the exact site I started here, as it is also in the book. I started a site I will someday do some work with here with time. I also write music and poems. I write in my Bible, in journals, and on paper, an envelope or napkin, and now on these sites. I speak and sing outloud.

    Thank you for the feedback. I was grateful to see you didn't delete it!! I so enjoy your writings and comments, thoroughly. I look forward to it.

    Thank you so much Mike for all you have shared from the heart here, on facebook, at church, and the one's you commented about, that you say you try and help but they don't want to listen sometimes. Just know you are appreciated, and you do affect others in so many positive ways. I hope you and your sweet family have an extra blessed and very special rest of the week and weekend. This I pray, for you have blessed me and allowed God to also bless me through your following him... through sharing all the time, makes me feel even more wealthy inside. Won't heaven be wonderful? And what an interesting road we travel now.

    But guess what, same story about logging in, but I am going to bed now. I'll have to choose anonymous, I apologize because everyone else is sleeping.
    However, it's Michell Fuxan from Crossroads. TAKE care!!
