Wednesday, February 03, 2010

On being a "simplistic literalist"

Simplistic literalist. It's a term I have created to try to describe my faith and theology. It won't show up in any theology book. It won't roll off the tongue of any great preacher, but it expresses what I believe. I've thought about this for a long time. The whole discussion comes down to some very simple questions, 1. Do I believe there is a God? My answer is YES. I think this is the answer of the majority of people on planet earth. It's part of us to KNOW there is a God, (Romans 1.) 2. Is this God I believe in all powerful, sovereign, Lord of heaven and earth? YES. If you're going to believe in a god you better get the best! Believe in the god who is above all else. He wouldn't be God if that were not true. 3. Since 1 & 2 are both a "yes" answer for me what can I know about this God? I know he is able to reveal himself to me. I know he made me. I know he's good because of the world he made. I know he cares about me because of the constant nature of the universe. I know he is able to keep all things working as he made them because they do. AND, if these things are all true I know he can tell me about himself. 4. Do I believe the bible is HIS word to man? YES. If 1-3 are true, then I must believe that he is able to tell me about himself and preserve that revelation. That revelation about him is the Bible. Because of what I believe about God I must and do also believe he is able to clearly tell me about himself, about me and what he wants from me. I also believe he is able to preserve that revelation intact for me to read. I believe he has. And, so...I am a simplistic literalist. I simply believe what God has written in his word. There is much to say about the bible- literary styles, stories, things written about God, and a hundred other things, but I believe this book is God's word to man. I'm a simplistic literalist. I'm staking my eternity on it.


  1. To each their own, right? You have to do what you feel works for you. Personally i find God anything but simple and my attempt to understand him as anything but literal. Some people see things in color when others only see the black and white. There is nothing wrong with either one, just a difference in how the observer see its.

    IE: We can both watch the super bowl tomorrow, we will both see a similar game, the score wont change, but there will be details missing from the black and white tube.

  2. I sure am not saying that God is simple. I'm simply saying that I have made a decision to simply believe his word and revelation about himself. Please don't assume I'm saying I understand all that I believe. I don't! That would be very arrogant on my part. Understand or not I have made a decision to believe God...even when I don't understand.

  3. Well said, we believe in him as he has given you the ability to do so. we are all doing the best with what he has given us. This is why our faith is described as a personal relationship with our God.
