Saturday, January 30, 2010


I've been thinking about some of the people I talk to on a weekly and often daily basis. In my role as a pastor I spend a lot of time counseling. Often I am the last resort...just before the shipwreck happens. Many times the decisions have already been made and I find myself trying to convince them to turn quickly before "they hit the rocks." Usually I'm unsuccessful. I know that many have already made their choices and are simply looking for a way to not feel the pain of their decisions.


It's hard to watch as I see life after life shipwrecked on the unable to do what God designed them to do. A ship grounded on the rocks is a defeat, a loss, for the captain. It's a clear sign that he failed and his failure is evident to everyone. When I tell someone, "watch out for the rocks!" and they reply, "oh, they won't hurt me." I have to cringe as I watch the shipwreck that happens next in that person's life. For some reason many Christians believe that you can disobey God and not suffer the results of those choices. It's simply not true! Disobedience to God's word (sin) ALWAYS has results...there will always be a shipwreck. You will not avoid, escape or ignore the results of sin. They will will hit the rocks.


This is why every ship captain has extensive maps of the ocean currents, routes, shallows and rocks. The captain's job is to sail his ship safely, not run aground on the rocks. A captain who grounds his ship has failed. A Christian who runs aground in sin has also failed. He failed to read or follow the warnings from the map. Our map, written to help us avoid the rocks in life, is God's word. When you claim you can do what you wish because "God wants me to be happy" I will promise you that your "ship" will soon be on the rocks. Another ship captain's failure, another person shipwrecked on the rocks of sin's choices. Another captain who refused to believe the maps.


This week I have watched as several lives have hit the rocks. The hard part to deal with is the fact that the choices of one life affect many others. Whether a husband, wife or child our choices have impact on those around us. We don't steer our ship up on the rocks without bringing others into jeopardy as well. Our choices have consequences and almost always affect someone else.


That's why I constantly ask people I spend time with, "Are you in the word of God?" It's a critical question. It's like the captain of the ship asking the first mate, "have you looked at the maps for this region?" If you haven't, then problems await. You can't see all the rocks that lie below the surface. You don't know what awaits if you haven't looked at the maps. And, honestly, if you aren't reading God's word your life is a shipwreck waiting to happen. Without his map to guide you there will be a wreck to deal with very soon.


The reason this is in my mind is because I have so many tell me that they are "the captains of their ship, they are the masters of their fate"....but I want to remind them that if you don't check the map (God's word) then your sailing days will soon end with your ship on the rocks.


1 comment:

  1. Great tho'ts brother! Thanks again for your insightful perspective and friendship.
