Friday, January 29, 2010

This is not funny!

For some reason one of the guys in our church e-mailed me a whole series of cartoons dealing with dieting. He didn't add any text, just the cartoons. Now, I'm thinking...was he trying to tell me something without actually saying it? It's like telling someone a difficult truth and then adding, "I was just kidding." I wish I could tell you....this is not funny! But it really's a couple of the cartoons my friend sent me.

1 comment:

  1. Mike,

    I would just add that the body is the temple of the God, and if we desire to be one with God, we need to focus on all aspects of ourselves. Mind, body, and spirit are a cohesive whole, that if one part is out of line, so will be the whole temple. Personally i struggle with my weight and the health of my body. I have noticed that when i am excercising and taking care of my body, my mind and spirit are better aligned and my experience of life with God is enhanced.
