Sunday, December 27, 2009

To the third and fourth generation...

The bible promises us riches beyond measure, but they are not the riches you would think of...they are children. The rich heritage of a godly man or woman are their children who become godly men and women after them. I can't imagine how this works, but God seems to take the best from our efforts and molds our children into men and women who then parent their own children. The promise of God is that he will bless us with a rich heritage if we will follow him. I've tried to do that with my life, although I have failed many times, and once in a while I get a glimpse of what God has done. It's all God's work, but what a treat to see that I haven't been a complete failure! Here's a post my son wrote this morning on facebook. It is humbling and I feel most unworthy of such kind words, but his words have made my year. These words are the result of another own dad modeled for me what a man should be and from that model I was carved. Now I am blessed to pass these riches on to a third and fourth generation. Thanks to a most amazing son...
"I spent the evening with my family, and my wife's family, and it got me thinking. I've been getting a lot of compliments lately on what a good father and husband I am. I believe in giving credit where credit is due, and I don't take compliments well, but really it's my father who deserves the glowing reviews. I learned everything I know about being a father and husband from him. He is hands down the strongest, most honest, hardest working, selfless, and loving man I've ever known. Not to mention he has a great sense of humor. His influence can be found in everything I do, not just the with my family, but with my life. I learned my work ethic, how to forge friendships, how to be there for people, how to truly care about those around me, and so much more from my father. For those of you who may have met him, he may seem quiet, or stoic. For those of you who KNOW him, you've seen a man who has made the most out of his life with every passing day. If I can be just a fraction of the man that he raised me to be, than I will be a man worth my salt. A man full of confidence, self worth, and compassion. God broke the mold when he made my dad, but hopefully he used some of those pieces when he made me. I love you dad." -Ian Messerli

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