Sunday, December 27, 2009

Best and worst of 2009

We all have our lists....the best things of the year and the worst. I'm sure, in just a moment of thinking, you could give me your list. On the list of best you might tell me about a trip or a new job. There may be family blessings or financial successes that would be on the top of your list. But we all make our lists based on our own rating did it affect me? On your list of worst you could have a job loss, a relationship failure or an illness. Again, we make our lists based on what we believe were the best and worst things in our lives.

But.....what if God is brought into the discussion? What if he were to tell you the end of each of the things on your list? What if what you thought was the worst thing of the year actually was part of God's plan to bring about your very best? What if our lists are UPSIDE DOWN? It does change everything to know that God is working in our lives. It does make a list of what we think were bad things just a list of things we haven't seen God's finished work in yet. We don't know how they will end, but at the moment they seem to be failures. But....what if God's not done yet? What is he's still working on our worst list? What if what we think is our worst is part of God's plans for our best? Maybe we should hold off on that list for now.....

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