Tuesday, September 29, 2009


It's interesting to me to see what keeps so many captive when freedom is all around. Often what we think is freedom is simply a new kind of cage that keeps us from enjoying what God calls true freedom.
Unforgiveness of another is an obvious cage to most of us, but from the one holding the grudge you would hear, "I have every right to hold a grudge. Look what they did to me and they haven't asked forgiveness!" This person believes their freedom gives them the right to hold someone else in bondage to their unforgiveness, but they are the one who is caged with a full view of freedom all around.
For another it sounds like this, "I just want to be happy." This is a most deceptive cage. The cage is the illusion that happiness is "out there", with someone else, or doing what "I want". But the cage called "I just want to be happy" makes them choose bondage. It's a most cruel kind of cage because the very thing they most want eludes them and teases them still with the promise just out of reach of their bondage.
What's tragic, as I watch the lives of those who come to talk to me, is that they hold the keys to their own cages, but simply don't want to open the door. It's sad to watch someone, who is caged in full view of open skies, refuse to open the door. What a tragedy. But, sadly, there are cages hanging from every tree with people we know claiming their right to do as they choose. What most miss is that freedom comes only when we pursue what God wants in our lives. When we obey him true freedom forces open the door of the cage and we are free for the first time. It's strange, but true freedom comes when we obey God. When we insist on our own way we lived caged lives with freedom all around.


  1. Great thoughts, Mike. Oh, the sadness when we, by our own choices, deny ourselves freedom, just so we can do it our way.

    It's not easy to be a pastor, is it? Even if you only work one day a week. ;-)
