Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Accidental truth

Sometimes we stumble upon truth without meaning to. This t-shirt, badly translated, actually has a great message- "Time goes. That's it!" And then at the bottom this fascinating statement- "Marriage is for when life is not so good."
I don't know what the intended message was, but this one works for me. Two true statements that, although not connected, actually seems well thought out. Time goes. That's it!....You only go through life once, so don't whine about it...time goes for all of us, but the second part caught my eye- "Marriage is for when life is not so good." I do wish I knew what they meant to say, but this badly worded statement works well- marriage is the best place to be when life is not so good. During tough days, difficult times, it's great to have someone go with you through those times. Now, I don't mean to suggest that if you are going through a tough time that marriage will make it better. You may actually make things worse, but to have a partner to walk with you through the difficult days is wonderful. When one stumbles the other can hold them up. When two walk together even dark days seem bearable. Accidental truth, isn't it great?

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