Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Martyrs for their faith?

"To endure the cross is not tragedy; it is the suffering which is the fruit of an exclusive allegiance to Jesus Christ" -Dietrich Bonhoeffer

We live in a very difficult time in history.....if you are a Christian. More believers are giving their lives for their Christian faith in our days than any other time in history. The battle is real. The believers are faithful. The cost is high. Here's one story from Iran that will give you something to pray about and challenge your own faith.

BREAKING NEWS: Jailed Iranian Women Refuse Court Pressure To “Deny Christ”
Monday, August 10, 2009 (1:08 pm)

By Stefan J. Bos, Worthy News Chief International Correspondent life

TEHRAN, IRAN (Worthy News)-- Two young Iranian women who may face the death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity have told a court that they will not abandon their faith in Christ, despite harsh treatment in one of Iran's most notorious prisons, Christian trial observers confirmed to Worthy News Monday, August 10. Maryam Rustampoor, 27, and Marzieh Amirizadeh, 30, appeared Sunday, August 9, in front of a 'revolutionary court' in the capital Tehran where they were pressured to return to Islam, according to well-informed Christians linked to Elam Ministries, a group supporting Iran's growing church movement. "Though great pressure was put on them, both women declared that they would not deny their faith," the Christians said. Both women, who reportedly suffer health problems, were detained March 5 for converting to Christianity. They endured solitary confinement, interrogations "for many hours while blindfolded" and other mistreatment in Tehran's Evin prison, well-informed Christians said.


"During their five-month ordeal, both have been unwell and have lost much weight. Marzieh Amirizadeh is in pain due to an on-going problem with her spine, as well as an infected tooth and intense headaches," they added." She desperately needs medical attention. Two months ago the prison officials told her the prison had proper medical equipment and that they will attend to her, but so far no proper treatment has been given." During Sunday's court hearing the prosecution reportedly asked the two women if they were still Christians. “We love Jesus,” and “Yes, we are Christians,” they were overheard answering repeated questions. Asked whether they "were Muslims and now have become Christians,” the women reportedly replied: “We were born in Muslim families, but we were not Muslims.” They also said they had "no regrets,” despite their imprisonment. (read more)

They have not denied their faith, but their fate is still unsure. It's possible they will give their lives for their faith. It challenges me to pray and look at my own heart and life. Am I ready to stand for Christ, as these two women are doing, with the possibility of death for my stand? I hope I would say "yes!"

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