Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cats in the cradle

There are songs we all remember fondly and others that we hate. For me, one of the songs I hate is "Cats in the cradle" by Harry Chapin. I still have to turn the station when I hear it played. I think it was inspired by the devil!* I have enough regrets and "I wish I could do it over" in my life already. Do I really need more? The truth is that I do wish I could go back and do things differently. I think, like most people, I had a lot of my priorities messed up, or as a friend of mine says, "I was really jacked up." I don't know exactly what that means, but I assume it's the same idea. As a young pastor I threw myself into the work. Countless hours, souls led to the Lord, church growing and all the while my family at home waiting for me. I still remember, with a pain in my heart as I tell you, when my wife told me what my 4 year old son asked (he's 34 now), "Mommy, can I get a part-time daddy since mine is never here?" Do you understand now why I hate that song? His question cut me to the heart and still gives me pause as I think about how I invested my precious time. I didn't focus on the most important things and I regret it deeply. I wish I could have a do over, a mulligan as they call it in golf, but life isn't that way. Now I think about my kids, grown adults now, and how much I wish I could go back 30 years and change my priorities. But for today, each day, I get that opportunity again. How will I spend this day? How will I invest my life? What's really important? It's still a challenge for me to get it right.....
*I hope you understand the above comment is meant in jest and added for emphasis. I do not think this song was inspired by the devil.


  1. Please explain why you say that 'Cat's in the Cradle' was inspired by the devil and now you want a do over or Mulligan? We all do things that we regret later. Is it ever too late to admit it? I hope it isn't. It makes me want to tell my wife and kids that I love them and to share time together. You are doing well Mike!!! I love you. Your cousin, Steve

  2. My comment about being inspired by the devil was meant to be a humorous comment, not serious at all.

    A do over? Yes, I think we all want that...a chance to correct our mistakes, but, as you noted, it's never too late to do the right things. I have long ago made these things right, this post is meant to help someone else and encourage them to look at their own priorities. Thanks for the comments. You are always encouraging. Thank you, Steve.

  3. Life in general plus the need to earn a living makes it a challenge for many dads around the world. Added to that pastors have this tremendous obligation as they do "The Lords work" and families can and do end up at the bottom of priority lists. My brother struggled with this as he shirked family gathering after family gathering pastoring youth groups at four different churches over ten years. I believe balance is possible and that The Lord can get the work done with or without you for every Easter holiday.

