Sunday, January 11, 2009

Making an impact

Last night I got to teach the book of Ruth to one of our small groups. It's always fun to get in the word of God and talk about how God works. The one thing I told them is this- you cannot plan to have an impact in life....that's God's can only do what he calls you to do today and leave "impact making" to him. What I mean by that is illustrated by Ruth's life. I'm sure this little Moabite girl had no idea she was part of God's plan, and really never found out all that God would do with her life, but more than 3,000 years later we are still talking about her and how her small choices put her in the place to be the great-grandmother of David, king of Israel, and ultimately to be in the lineage of Christ. How can you plan stuff like this? How can you anticipate what God wants to do with your life? You can't! All you can do is serve him one day at a time and be faithful to trust him to use your life for his glory. The rest is up to God. The impact maker is God himself...and you may never know what God will do with your life lived for his glory....but live for his glory anyway because one day he will show you all that he was able to do because you walked with day Ruth will see all that God did with her life and say, "Wow!"

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for you comments on this Mike, it was a reassuring thing to read given the week I have had in Thailand and the company I have kept. I look forward to connecting with you again... over eal coffee. Only instant stuff here!
