Saturday, January 10, 2009

The new year ahead

The year has barely begun, but I already have drool on my's the subtle awareness that this is going to be an extremely busy year! I have more things to do, more stuff to teach, more places to go than I can possibly fit into the year and the hours I have. When I consider the year ahead I just can't believe will I do all of this? When can I find time to fit it all in? WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO?
But the year is young, and I'll gather my wits about me and jump in head's just that looking at it from this vantage point I wonder if I will have a year full of drool on the chin with an open mouth in wonder at how God could possibly use me and let me be part of his work on planet earth. But you know, he's in the miracle business...I'm just another poster child for his miracle working abilities.....drool and all.....................


  1. Remind me not to sit on the front row of class next week...just in case you still have that drool on your chin. =-)

  2. I'll be ok.....just suddenly realizing what I will be doing this year. I won't spit, ok?

  3. I guess there is no time for a trip to Guatemala? Maybe next year. By the way, how far in advance do we need to get on your calendar?
