Friday, December 26, 2008

What do you think?

It's the end of the year again. Another amazing year has passed and a new one ahead....a new president, a new economic reality, a lot of changes on the way....just as promised by our new president. It may be time for a change here as well. If you are a regular visitor may I ask your help? What would you like to discuss? What changes can I make to make this more interesting, more fun? I'm ready for a face lift, but not sure what's needed. Would you help me?


  1. I visit every day. I don't always post. Sometimes it is nice to see what you are up to. Sometimes it is nice to just hear your thoughts on what God is saying to you. Honestly, I don't have much to recommend by way of a change. I enjoy things the way they are. I

  2. I have questions for you? What frustrates you about blogging? Do you need to shift your expectations of yourself? What inspires you? Do you currently include it in your blog? If not is it possible to do so?

    Can't wait to see what results from your exploration of these kinds of questions!

  3. You could throw a debate topic in (friendly, of course).

    Mostly I think we like getting a little glimpse into your walk with Christ.

  4. How about large giveaways - like a new car, flat screen TV's, or trips? Just kidding. I personally enjoy hearing about your ministry and observations on life.
