Friday, December 26, 2008

The Christian life

This morning, the day after Christmas, I have been thinking about the Christian life.....the challenge of living a dependent life in a fallen world. It's quite a challenge for me. I often feel the pull of my flesh conflicting with the desires of the Spirit in me. And, I often fail, fail to walk with God and choose to walk in the flesh. It's the battle that Paul describes in Galatians 5...the battle between the old man who is still alive and well, and the new man in me, who wants more than anything, to please God. It's so frustrating to know what you really want to do, but not do it at all. There are attempts in the Christian world to describe this as living a balanced life, but my friend Dave has wisely mentioned that in this battle between flesh and spirit there can be no's all one or the other...walk by the Spirit of God in you or walk in the flesh. There isn't a balancing act to this, but simply a choice. I'm very frustrated that after all these years of knowing Christ my flesh is still so strong, still so able to make me choose badly. The truth is that I can never assume or believe I have somehow arrived. I will always be 100% dependent on the Spirit of God in me to live this life successfully. When I forget that is when I make poor choices and walk in the flesh. The Christian life isn't easy, in fact it's's only done well when I let Christ live his life in and through me....and that's something I will have to do every day of my life. Just a few thoughts from a growing Christ follower......

1 comment:

  1. This is something I often think about. I decided about a year ago to stop pleasing the flesh and let Christ live in me and thru me. Some times I feel guilty because the flesh is still so strong in me. I want so badly to only please God and be faithful to Him.

    It's reasuring to know that someone of your stature goes through the same emotions. Some days I think it is only me. Thankyou.
