Monday, December 15, 2008

A new baby boy is on the way!

Last Saturday night we attended a Christmas party at the home of our daughter in law's parents. It's an annual event and we always look forward to being there with our kids and the in-laws. The talk of the night was our son and daughter in laws new baby boy due in April. I can't tell you how many women patted Tiffany's little baby tummy and said, "Aaahhh." I'm sure she got tired of it quickly, but I know they are excited about having their first child. Here's Tiffany and Joye that night.

1 comment:

  1. The first baby is so exciting! Weird to think about it, but I don't think that many people patted my tummy when I was pregnant. However, I was a "business woman" when I was pregnant with my first and I'm sure I had a look on my face that said "back off." hehe
