Monday, December 15, 2008

Behind the bell, part 2

A few days ago I told you the story of a friend of mine who had the great joy of helping someone in need. One of the comments on that post came from one of our dear ladies in the church. Here are her words-

"I was there at that Wal-mart that night. I watched as the bike was purchased and saw the person who was doing the purchasing. I saw the excitement about giving something needed to somebody in need written on his face. I was working at the customer service desk when our friend came in to exchange the bike because he could not work the shifters with his cerebral palsy. I was the one who got to work with him and do the exchange. He was so excited about getting the bike and being able to get back to his tent home safely. It was a neat thing to watch the excitement of both the giver and the receiver. I even got to be part of the solution to the problem. What a neat experience. :)"

When I read her comments I had several thoughts. First, you never know who is watching you. People are watching us. We may not know it at the time, but we are making an impression on others even when we don't know they are watching. Second, there is a "ripple effect" to a good deed. It helps the one we intended to help, but there are blessing for others as well. You won't see all that happens from doing something nice, but it affects more than the person it was done for. And third, the bible tells us in Proverbs that God takes care of repaying good things done for those in need. You can never give to someone who is in need without God getting involved in the whole situation. I look forward to seeing what God will do in my friend's life, in John's life and in the lives of those who watched this little act of kindness in a Wal-Mart store.

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