Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The long arm of the law

Today I went to the police station and paid my speeding ticket. I'm sure you are asking, "A pastor...speeding???"
Yes, I'm sorry, but I was completely daydreaming and thinking about 1,000 other things and just flew through a school zone. Suddenly, all my other thoughts seemed less important as I saw the flashing lights behind me.
I could have gotten out of the ticket. I work as a police chaplain, and he would have just told me to slow down and sent me on my way...in fact he told me I should have let him know, but I didn't want to take advantage of the privilege. But after paying such a large ticket I kind of wish I would have pleaded for mercy although I deserved none.
Anyway, I'm stinging a little from the ticket, especially right before Christmas, but I'm glad I paid my debt to society....and now, believe it or not, I'm on probation. I've never been on probation before. It's a strange place for a pastor to be.


  1. I always knew you were a trouble maker! (ha, ha)

    Craig got a ticket in Marble Falls last week. Supposedly he ran a stop sign. We just sent that lovely check off yesterday. Ouch is right!

  2. I received two tickets almost a month apart in the fine Town of Double Oak. Same location, same speed, different officer.

    I took defensive driving for the first one and was on probation for the 2nd one. I am now very aware of the 30 MPH speed limit in that fair 'burb. The major money that went out the window because of my lead foot was a swift kick in the butt.

    Honestly, it made me slow my speed down all over town and that's not a bad thing.

  3. Well, look at the bright side, it will help you relate better to the criminal folk.

  4. I got speeding tickets 2 days in a row 20 yrs ago...the only tickets I ever had...until...this weekend. 20 yrs later I got speeding tickets again...2 days in a row. History definitely repeats itself for better or worse.
