Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas lights

Last night we were invited by friends to join them on a carriage ride through uptown Dallas to see the Christmas lights. It was cold, but it was a lot of fun. We rode around the area for about an hour looking at lights and watching other people watch us ride by. It was quite a festive evening. Thanks Dan & Sharon.


  1. Have you driven by the tree on McMakin in Bartonville? It's pretty cool.

  2. yes, and that's my next photo. thanks for setting me up....

  3. Hello Mike.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    My PhD defence is in January in Wales.

    Prayers appreciated.


  4. You are very welcome! We had a great time and enjoyed yours and your wife's company, too! Thanks for introducing us to yummy salted hot chocolate!
