Friday, December 12, 2008

Just thinking

Today is a busy day for a Friday. I'm working through a long list of "must do's" and most of them are overdue. Finding balance between time with people (which I love) and working at a desk and computer (which I hate) is hard because I do the one I like and put off the one I hate, so it piles up. Today I'm trying to get some of them done.

Like my fellow pastor, Brent, I am thinking about our Christmas party last night. It was a great time (as usual), but my heart just wasn't in it. It would have been great for me if I could have just called it in. All of our staff, elders and deacons are great. We have an amazing group of people, but I just wasn't up for the social stuff last night. I think when your business is people there are times when you overdose and just have to go hide. That was my mood last night.

Today is another day full of people, but I've recovered a little, so I'm ready for another "overdose."

I also have to get busy with teaching notes. I'm teaching through Revelation. The class starts mid-January and I haven't got my notes together. I need to get that done today, so excuse me, I'll be with you in a few hours...for now it's to the desk and some study. Have a good day.

1 comment:

  1. The tension between time at the desk and time with people can be so challenging in the ministry. I understand well the pressure you feel and can identify when you describe the feeling of wanting to hide.

    I think it is because of the strain I've felt related to what you described that I'm moved with compassion to pray for you today. I thank you for your prayers for me in the past, now it is my turn to return the favor.
