Friday, December 12, 2008

"Good job"

This is from Pastor Kris' blog. He said it well, and I'm sure he won't mind me sharing it with you. ..............
"Today I had the honor of changing my wife's flat tire. I really really really didn't want to leave my office to go up town and change her tire in the cold and the rain. However, there was a moment that made it all worth it. After taking out the spare tire, taking out the jack and other tools, getting rained on, after jacking the car up, freezing, taking off the lug nuts, removing the tire, freezing, putting on the new tire, getting soaked, putting everything away, freezing, after all of that, Tammy said to me, "Good job". And she meant it; it wasn't a "Good job, at least I didn't have to get cold and change the tire." She really meant I did a good job at changing the tire; she may have assumed I was going to mess it up somehow. But the pain of changing the tire was removed by my wife telling me, sincerely, "Good job".
There is just something very powerful for a man when our wives compliment our work. I love it. I'd change the tire with my teeth if I knew my wife would be proud of me. Married ladies, this tip is for free, sincerely compliment your husbands and you will be amazed at what kind of man they become."

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME! I mean...doesn't everyone get compliments from their wives all the time like me????

    Thanks for passing it along, I left a note on Kris' blog too. This will be a great conversation starter for me and my daughters.
