Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's a great family!

Last night we went to a Christmas party for one of our home groups. It was great fun to spend time with them and enjoy the fellowship and food. The hosts and leaders of the group are Jimmy and Nancy (with their daughter, Jessica). It was great to just fellowship, eat and laugh together. If you aren't in a home group of some kind, in our church or your own, may I encourage you to find one and become part of it? You won't discover what the church is really all about if you only attend on Sunday. It's the smaller communities of believers gathering in homes, praying for each other....reading the bible together....eating together that is really what makes the church the healthy, living thing God intended it to be.


  1. I love the picture and have known these folks since we came to CBC 12 years ago. Nice people!!!

  2. We went to our mini church party last night at the Wamsley's and it was so fun.
