Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas season

It's wonderful to celebrate the Christmas holiday with family. I always look forward to the time together and the looks on the kid's faces when they open the gifts. Some years it is a little challenging to find the money for gifts, but we always seem to work it out.
My sweet wife is the ultimate Santa Claus kind of person. She loves the holiday, the foods, the decor, the games...and all that goes with it, but she married a Grinch kind of guy. I would rather take the easy way and not deal with all the work to set up the tree- we will only have to take it down again, and decorate the house- it only lasts for a few weeks....and so it goes. I'm really glad my grinchiness has not stifled her Santa Claus spirit. I love the resulting feel and celebration because of my wife's work and spirit. I wouldn't want to have my way...a Grinch Christmas would be really sad.
So, my advice- let the Santa Claus in you rule the holiday, and whether you can get a few gifts or many, remember that this holiday is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, God who became man to die for our sins. Don't forget- it's all about HIM. Happy Birthday, Jesus.

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