Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Today is a good day to say "Thank you"

Today is Veteran's day. Each year, on November 11th, we celebrate and remember our veteran's. To all of them we say "thank you." Throughout our history as a country there have been millions who have willingly gone to war to protect our freedom. If you are currently in the Armed forces or have ever served our country to protect us and our freedom may I say "thank you."
So, today, if you have an opportunity, thank those you know what have served our country. This is a wonderful day to celebrate their service to each one of us.
Oh, and on a much less important note, it's also my birthday. Today I have the joy of being one year older. I still remember the many parades we went to on November 11th in celebration of Veteran's day. It sure makes it easy to remember your birthday! Have a great day, I know I will, and if I you have served in the Armed forces would you leave me a quick note so we can say "Thank you"? Tell us when you served and in what branch of the military. I look forward to honoring you for your service to our country.


  1. Happy Birthday, Mike! Hope you have a wonderful day doing something fun! Maybe you think it is of lesser importance, but Craig and I are truly blessed to know you and very thankful that God has placed you in our path.

  2. Giving thanks for those who protect us and wishing you a happy birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday!! Thank you for blessing us through your teaching!

    I had the privelege of calling my dad today and thanking him for serving our country. He was in the Air Force in Vietnam and I am thankful and honored everyday that my dad served and helped protect our freedom.

  4. Happy Birthday, Mike! It is also my Grandma's birthday...her 90th. Hope you enjoyed your day and thank you for remembering the veterans. I went out and bought a new flag to fly today as I remembered my father. God bless.
