Monday, November 10, 2008

Frustrating detour or divine interruption?

There's a verse in Proverbs that you need to know. It's a verse that has helped me with direction many times. Solomon writes these words:
Pro 20:24 Man's steps are ordained by the LORD, How then can man understand his way?
I wonder how often we think about this as we go through our lives. We are not on an uncharted route. There is a navigator for our journey and he has each life's route mapped out.
When I find myself at a frustrating detour I have to stop and remember this verse. Why am I so frustrated to be on God's route for my life? Why do I get irritated when things don't go the way I want them to go? Why am I angry over an apparent detour? What I consider a detour may really be a divine interruption, a God encounter, a chance to trust the Lord with what I think is a change of course. That's hard for us, as humans, to do. We have our lives charted, the route marked out, everything planned nicely; but then God interrupts our plans and we have to change directions.
"Man's steps are ordained by the LORD, How then can man understand his way?" Do you realize how exciting this is? God is involved and interested in my life! He's an active part of how my life works out. He's designed a life for me that will glorify him and make me fulfilled. He's involved in my life for the very best results! When you really understand this a hundred other questions will arise, but don't worry about those right now. Now is a great time, especially if you find yourself at what you think is a detour in your plans, to thank the Lord for having a route marked out for you. It's so much easier when the navigator really does know where we are going.


  1. ditto...
    loving God, in the midst of the wonderings, leaning on His everlasting Arms - being held in His nail-scared hands - and even in the midst of all that - standing in awe at how He still uses me - what a God we serve.
