Thursday, October 16, 2008

Your story....

One of the things we are doing right now in our monthly elder meeting is sharing our stories. Each month, as we meet, part of the business of the day is for one of the elders to share "his story." It's a great opportunity to get to know one another, and know how God has worked in our lives. Tonight I was very interested in Jim's story because he is one of the quietest guys on the team, and I honestly knew very little about him, but when he started to talk about his life he had a lot to say. I never knew anything about his life or experience with Christ, but I do now, and will see him differently from now on.

What I would like to do in the days ahead is to give you an opportunity to share YOUR story. First names only please, but I would love to know your story and invite you to share it with those who stop by to read. What has been your odyssey? How has God worked in your life to bring you to Christ? So, would you share your story? It might just become the best part of our times together at this little blog. I look forward to hearing from you. You can send them to me at

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I lost your link on my blog. I have no idea how that happened! I will fix it ASAP (well, maybe after some more coffee...) It was definitely unintentional!
