Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thoughts of the night

I've been out working late each night this week and have enjoyed the full moon the last few nights. I love a full moon. It puts such an interesting "light" on everything. It makes a dark night less fearsome. It actually reminds me of my own relationship with God. I'm sure you're thinking, "everything reminds you of that!" But really there are so many subtle reminders in the moon of my own life with God I wanted to share them with you. Here are just a few-
1. The moon has no light of its own. The light we see is simply the reflection of the sun on the moon surface. In the same way my life is meant to reflect the light of God. It's his light in me that people see. I don't create it, I am just supposed to reflect it. (Eph. 5:1-2)
2. The moon goes through phases....phases when we see it all and other times when it's just a sliver of what we know is there. I seem to do the same thing in my own life. There are times when I am fully allowing God to live his life through me and in those times people can really see Christ in me. There are other times when I'm living life my way. During those times it's really hard to see any of Christ in me. Like the moon I go through phases....vacillating between walking in the flesh and walking in the spirit. (Gal. 5)
3. The moon, simply doing its job, makes waves. The tides are a result of the moon's orbit around the earth. The moon affects us by its presence. In that same way I am called to affect those who come around me. It's often the work of the Holy Spirit without me even knowing it, but it happens. That really is saying nothing about me, but I'm speaking of what God is doing in me as I encounter those who pass by. (2 Cor. 2:14-16)
It's interesting to me that God has placed the moon around our planet as a vital part of life here. Earth would not be the living place it is without the moon. We, as Christ followers, have been placed here to reflect the light of his presence on planet earth. Life here would not be the same without us....this would be a very dead place indeed. But God has placed us here to be a vital part of his plan to give life to the human race. I'm glad to know that we are a part of God's plan in time and's always exciting when I can see a difference in the world around me because of Christ's work through me.

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing inspiration and I'm sharing it with my children this weekend. Thank you so much for this.
