Thursday, October 02, 2008

Update from North Carolina

It's Thursday evening and we just finished dinner and a conference with Chip Ingram (photo) and Howard Hendricks. It was a great time of refreshing and time with other pastors and their wives. It seems like the time flew by for us, but we have had a great adventure and an opportunity to really reconnect with each other. This conference was very inexpensive and one that we wanted to attend.....all things worked out for us to be here, and I'm glad we took the time to get away. We all need times to refresh and rekindle our lives with our mates and pastors need it more than most! It's so easy to get so busy that you don't take care of the most important things.....your wife, your kids, your own spiritual health. This week was a time away for us, and thank you for allowing us to escape for a bit. We met some really great pastors and had a wonderful time. I'll fill you in when we get back.


  1. Mike, I think we at CBC are the more blessed to have you and Joye + family be a part of our church body. Glad you enjoyed the trip and you are all home safe.

  2. I am envious of you. I saw this conference on DTS site and I would have loved to go to this retreat with Jill, but time and money just didn't work out. So glad you and Joye got to go! Thanks again for the time and coffee last week. Blessings!

  3. Tony,

    Sorry you didn't could have ridden with us! I wish we had talked! You would have really enjoyed it.

    Next time, ok?

  4. I love to listen to Chip on the radio!
