Friday, October 03, 2008

Amazing people

We are on our way home from a great week at the Billy Graham Conference Center in North Carolina. Tonight we got as far as Memphis, and will make our way home in the morning. We really enjoyed this retreat.

One of the things that I really enjoyed was the opportunity to meet fellow pastors. We got to know several very sweet couples who pastor smaller churches in different parts of the country. We talked about our different ministries, and shared our victories and challenges. It was a very encouraging time.

The one thing I thought, as they shared their lives and struggles, was how blessed we are to be part of our church family. Even though the last couple years have been difficult I wouldn't trade our church for any of the other churches I heard about from my new pastor friends.

I'm glad God placed us where he did and when he did. It's exciting to be part of his church in these last days and see him work in the lives of so many. It's a most exciting time to be be part of his church at the end of days. I'll tell you more when I get back.

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