Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sins and scars

This morning I was reading in Genesis about Abraham and his walk with God. It's messy watching the life of someone who is growing in their faith. Watching Abraham makes me wince at times....his life is quite messy. He struggles to obey, stumbles, lies about his wife and gets reprimanded, he falls down...but he gets up again to once more walk with God and serve him. One thing that I notice about Abraham is that he is constantly building altars to God and worshipping him wherever he goes. I think it's that desire to worship and follow God that proves to be his key to victory in the end, even through all the mess and mistakes.

The Christian life is messy. I don't always get it right. I make a lot of mistakes, say the wrong thing, hurt someone I love, get angry, fear, and fail. It's really messy watching me live the Christian life, but I'm trying....I want to follow him and so amid the mess you will find me worshipping God. It's those worship times that keeps me on the right path even after I've made a mess of things.

The truth is that when you come to Christ it's only the will take your entire life to just begin to look like Christ. And you need to know it's messy. You won't always get it right, you aren't going to understand what God wants each step of the way. You will make mistakes. You will fall down, you will fear and fret and fail. It's ok.....really. In the midst of the mess it's important to often take time for worship. Bow your heart and life to the God who is working in you. Amidst the mess of our lives we have an amazing father who is molding us into the image of his son. Don't get frustrated....he's working....he will get you there....just look at Abraham and you will be encouraged about your own walk with God. Amidst the mess God is working. Amidst the mess of the sins and scars God is working to make us like Christ. Soon we will see the results of all he has done and be amazed that he could do such amazing things with messy lives.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me think of Phil 1:6. That verse had a huge impact on me several years ago when we studied Philippians in JOY. It really struck me that not only was God working on me, but He was also working on everyone else around me. It helped remind me to be patient with others in their messiness and especially patient with my kiddos and hubby as God worked in and through them.

    Great post, Captain Picture!
