Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"Captain Picture" reporting for duty

My sweet wife spent the day today working on a message she is teaching with another of our amazing ladies from our church. They are going to team teach the passage in Ephesians 6 about the armor of God. The reason for the comments today is something my wife said....she said they need a photo for the big screens to illustrate their big idea. Our friend told Joye, "Ask Mike to get the picture, he's Captain picture!" So, as requested, I have found the perfect photo for their great message.....although I had no idea I had a title....."Captain picture" just doesn't sound very exciting. No enemy will ever fear "Captain picture".....although he might laugh himself to death. It's a label I have apparently gotten from doing this blog, and will wear the suit and cape with pride, so in honor of my new title here is a photo I really like and hope you enjoy as well...oh, there is no story for this one...I will leave the story for you to tell. And, so, off I go....have a great day, this is Captain picture over and out!


  1. Dear Captain Picture,
    Haven't you seen the Incredibles?
    In the words of Edna (the maker of super-suits)..."NO CAPES!"

  2. Love it. Captain Picture (giggle!) oops, sorry.
