Monday, September 22, 2008

Unusual people

Around us are unusual people who you would pass on the street without even knowing it, but who have amazing stories to tell. My trip to Europe to teach with one of our missionaries gave me the opportunity to get to know Danny and Becky Loe better. They have been missionaries for nearly 35 years. They have lived in the Philippines, Japan, Budapest and other place I have forgotten. They speak different languages and roam about foreign cultures with ease. They are most unusual people. And yet they are the warmest and most genuine people you will ever meet. I had a day to spend with them at their home after our work was done, and it was a great treat to see their family and spend time with them. It's funny how normal everything becomes when you are home with dinner to cook, school work to do and family stuff to talk about. Their home was much like any family but for the fact we were somewhere in Europe. Danny and Becky are most unusual people giving their lives to serve God in different parts of the world. I've always thought missionaries were a little strange, and they are, but it's because they have given up the "American dream" to pursue something even bigger. They are looking far past the dream of a home, a couple cars, a nice job and retirement. They are looking to that eternal dream of an inheritance and rewards that are beyond this life. Danny and Becky are two of those unusual people you would love, and if you get the chance stop by and see them. They will make you feel right at home.

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