Monday, September 22, 2008

Divine appointments?

A good friend of mine has been reading my posts about my recent trip to Ukraine and he asked, "How come you have so many unusual encounters with people?" I think he was saying, "I don't have these kind of meetings, how is it that you do?" It might seem unusual that I run into so many interesting people and relationships, but I will tell you the secret- I seek out the encounters. They don't just happen to me, I pursue them.....I pursue people..................
As we were walking into the McDonald's in Kiev for lunch three women walked by us speaking English. Now, you may not need this insight, but in the Ukraine this is unusual, so I said, "Where are you from?" Without stopping to talk one of the ladies responded, "Texas and Arkansas." And off they go.... I thought it strange, but we were in a hurry too. When we got to the airport and I got in line to check in there they were....those women I saw at McDonald's. I couldn't resist the second opportunity, so I said, "So, there are the Americans too busy to visit....." And with red faces they took some time to talk to me. They were a group of women from different states working with the Baptist church and were teaching women's seminars in 5 cities. We had a good visit, and talked about what God had been doing with each of us. Later, as we boarded the buses to go to the planes, the ladies were separated and I found myself with two of the ladies who weren't sure what to do. I helped them get to their plane and made sure they connected with their team leader. As I walked away I heard one of them say, "that nice pastor helped us get here." I smiled...............

Divine appointments and amazing encounters are everywhere.....waiting for you to discover them. Here's another example- On one of my flights I was standing in the tunnel to the plane as we waited for those ahead of us to board. People were visiting with their travel parties, but right behind me was a young lady standing alone. Now, mind you, we are in eastern Europe, but I looked back and asked, "so, where are you going?" She replied in English, "I'm going back to Budapest. I went to Prague for the weekend." I didn't know, but would have missed it if I hadn't asked, but she is an American from Houston, Texas working for the American embassy in Budapest. If I hadn't asked I would have missed this moment. There are a number of other moments like this I could share- a young lady wearing a sweater with "IOWA" on the front....a man waiting for a plane reading a book in English....and many others, but what I want you to know is this- these moments pass you dozens of times each day, and if you don't notice them, if you don't pursue them you will miss them.............
The author of Hebrews says, "you never know, you may encounter angels and not even be aware of it....unless you ask" (my paraphrase). Around us are people with amazing stories and most are available for interaction if you will only ask. You never know, you might find one day that one will respond to your question, "Where are you from?" you will hear the answer, "I'm just your angel sent to help you through your day. Thanks for asking."


  1. Thank you for sharing your stories and for reminding all of us to go through life with our eyes and hearts open. I have had many encounters too and after each one, I am keenly aware of God's hand in the details. Isn't it great that He would allow us the sheer joy of experiencing these moments!!

  2. I am finally catching up on your blog entries over the last few days since your trip. I love this entry so much. I really believe in your words. This gives me encouagement and reason to continue seeking and looking for those divine appointments in my life and to never be too busy to see them or take the time for them.
