Friday, August 29, 2008


I love to travel. I think I got that gene from my mom. In a few weeks I'm flying to Kiev and then to Simferopol on the Black Sea to help one of our missionaries teach a conference for staff members in this part of the world. I had never heard of this city until the trip was planned, but I'm really looking forward to this trip. It will be a great treat for me to invest in the lives of other believers I haven't met yet. I am looking forward to meeting these people and spending time with them. I can't wait to see what God will do on this trip.
I will also get to see my friend, Volodia in Kiev. I've told him I'm coming, and although he doesn't have much, his first e-mail back to me wrote, "you must come and eat dinner at my house." The bible tells us that when we come to him we will have more "family" than we could ever imagine. Volodia, part of the family of God, is part of my family. How amazing it is to have friends around the world who all gather around the cross in a common fellowship of love for Christ and love for one another. I am so grateful for all that God has done to bring us together as members of his family.
If you think of it would you pray for me?


  1. Can I pray for you even though I'm terribly jealous??? =-)

    Sounds fascinating. I can't wait to hear about what God does in your life and in the lives of others. I know it will be amazing!

  2. I guess my hymn playing will now include you AND Lori tomorrow.
