Friday, August 29, 2008

Boy have things changed!

This will date me, but please indulge me to be amazed at the changes. I still remember saving my paper route money as a 10 year old boy to be able to buy a 6 transistor BATTERY operated AM radio. I remember the great day when my dad and I went to the electronics store and I bought my radio, much like this one, and some D batteries to run it. It was an amazing thing- a battery operated transistor radio! It was a great acquisition for have my own battery operated radio I controlled. It was great. I still remember my late nights laying in bed with my radio as I went to sleep....slowly moving the dial and finding AM radio stations in New York, New Orleans, Chicago and I even found one in Mexico one time. What a great adventure to be able to travel to distant places with my radio and listen to all that was going on in distant parts of the world. It was a magical experience.
What a difference a few decades makes. This week I had to get a new cell phone (they didn't exist when I was 10), and my wife encouraged me to get a Blackberry (it was a fruit when I was 10). It's a great tool. It has my whole computer database linked to it (personal computers didn't exist when I was 10), and it also has Internet available through the phone (which didn't exist when I was 10- the internet I mean). I can even send e-mails from my phone (which didn't exist when I was 10, we had to use letters and stamps!). I went to the store after getting the phone and got a memory card about the size of a fingernail that holds 2 gig of memory (which didn't exist when I was 10, but if it had it would have filled up an office building). There is more, but I think you get the idea.
It's amazing how much has changed and become commonplace to us that didn't exist only a few years ago. The one thing that always stays the same is that things change! Change is part of our world. The motto used in my business days was, "keep up or get out of the way!" Culture, life, technology and change will continue. In 10 years there will be new things considered commonplace that don't exist now.
With all the change there is also a mindset that what I think about absolutes must change too. Truth must change because everything else does. But the reality is that there are some things that will never change- the heart of man, our need for a savior, God's desire that we come to him in faith, the reliability of the bible, the nature and character of God himself. In a changing world, which is changing before our eyes, we have a rock to stand on which never changes. The changes we are seeing can make your head spin at times. They are happening so quickly we can lose direction, and yet God's word and his promises are the same because although change is the reality of our world our basic need for God has never changed. We still need him to be our savior, our rock, our God who says HE will never change. At least one good thing will never change, and that will give us something to hold onto in times like these.


  1. I just read this, boy does it make me sound old......then again, I am.

  2. Some people are unwilling to try new things as they get older. I think those who do (like you) will always stay "young at heart."

    I have a blackberry, but don't have all the bells and whistles (I don't subscribe to internet / email access). However, I totally love having my data base on my phone and syncing it with my computer. If my phone or computer ever bite the dust, I have an easy back-up and I really like that!

  3. Hey, Mikey...

    ...did you know that movies are "talkies" now?



  4. This will date me also. Remember in the early 1970's, when you could buy a radio that LOOKED like a Coke can? We all had to have them, as we figured we could sneak them to class. The teachers caught on within 3 minutes and they were all taken up. Now, my daughter is told to bring her IPod for use during study times.
    I also remember those XREF radio stations, the Boarder bandids. On a good night, we could pick up ElPaso and Nogalas all the way in Detriot, Great Falls, etc....
