Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The role of a Christian in politics

We live in a very strange country indeed. It's one of the few countries in history where the people have a voice in the election of leaders and the work of government. For centuries countries have been ruled by kings and dictators and your only hope was that the ruler would be kind. There was very little chance that the citizens would have a voice in how things were done, but not so here. For more than 200 years we have been part of the government by voting for our elected officials. We take it for granted, but it's not the norm in time or history.
I got this question on a previous post and it's a perfect time to address it, here's the question:
"How should Christians think about or participate in things like elections, governmental affairs, worldy affairs, etc...?"
Benjamin Franklin said, “God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel” –Constitutional Convention of 1787 original manuscript of this speech (from Portrait of Ben Franklin)
There is an interesting balance between personal responsibility and divine sovereignty. As Christians we know that God rules on planet earth. He elevates one and brings down another. The governments that exist are there because God has placed them there. But in the midst of this is our part in his work. We are divinely in a country where we are allowed to be part of the government by our vote. Our responsibility? We must pray, and then vote. Vote for the person you believe is the right person to lead our country, but do it knowing that in the background God is orchestrating the election to accomplish his will. It's a strange thing to be involved by our vote and yet know that God will put the man in office he wants.
Again, let me quote the question once more- "How should Christians think about or participate in things like elections, governmental affairs, worldy affairs, etc...?" One of the misconceptions we have in the Christian community is that we can make our country Christian by our voice and our vote. Let me resolve this by saying that there is no such thing as a Christian country. There are only countries where Christians live and their presence changes the country around them. Our job is NOT to change government, although we should do all we can to participate, our job is to change lives....one life at a time. You cannot change a country or the people in it with laws. You can only change the heart by leading a man to faith in Christ and that changed heart and life will change his little world. It's a battle done one heart at a time.
As a citizen do all you can to influence our country for good, but know you will not make it a Christian country. That battle is fought one heart at a time. Where we have gone wrong is to think that if we can change the law we will change our country. It's only as we change lives does our country change, so do both- vote and voice your opinion in government, but don't forget to pray for and share your faith with your neighbor next door. It's the second choice done one life at a time that will change a country.
Footnote- My brilliant fellow pastor, Brent added this comment that must move to the content of the post, "You forgot to mention that another role we play is to pray for all those who are in authority--that we may live peacefully--and to be subject to rulers and authorities. Those are in The Bible somewhere..."
Brent is absolutely right! How could I forget that? Thanks, Brent.


  1. and that, sir, is the name of that tune. Well done!

  2. You forgot to mention that another role we play is to pray for all those who are in authority--that we may live peacefully--and to be subject to rulers and authorities. Those are in The Bible somewhere...

  3. Brent, you are right! How could I forget that???? I'll add it to the post.

  4. This post is well timed becasue election season is upon us. Sometimes the line gets blurred between our Christian and worldy concerns. I think you said it well, our job as Christians is to love one another and to love God, winning one heart at a time. (paraphrase) It isnt really about turning the political system or governmental affairs towards Christian values and agendas. As idealistic as that would be, it really shouldnt be our focus. Something as large as that is in Gods hands. All i can do is live each day for his glory, impacting and influencing people as i come into contact with them.

    thanks Mike

  5. Mike,
    For some reason I never saw your "hall of fame" before. But I read what you wrote about Dad, very beatiful! Brought me to tears, but it was good!

  6. Misey,

    thank you for your comment. I know you still miss your dad, and so do I. I wanted to honor him in some way, and that was the best I could do. How are you guys? I bet your kids are getting big. We will be up at Thanksgiving....hope to see you then.

  7. You did an awesome job of honoring him, that I know for sure.

    Ian said you would be up for Thanksgiving, would be great to see you!

    I've been updating our blog again, check it out.
