Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday's cartoon

Welcome to the Democratic convention week. All eyes will be on Denver this week as they choose their candidate for president. It's interesting that they are calling their candidate "the chosen one." This cartoon from the Seattle Post captures all the drama and characters we will see this week. I'm glad that God is in charge of all of this. Knowing that we have a sovereign God makes all of this madness called "election year" much easier to endure.


  1. The olympics closed a week early...Or more...when do the Rep's party???

  2. How should Christians think about or participate in things like elections, governmental affairs, worldy affairs, etc...?

  3. Very good cartoon...politically the hype is predictable, yet so many are influenced in major ways, time and time again.

    What needs to happen in both Canada and the USA is an overhaul of political systems, but society is not ready for a purge for truth, as society does not yet see the failure of overly secularized government.

  4. In response to the Kingpin, what is your suggestion as to an alternative form of government than the one we have now? A theocracy? The country was founded on the principal of freedom of religion. Thats why the pilgrims left England. If we try to institute a christian government in America, then we are doing the same thing to people of other faiths that we didnt want done to us. Right?

  5. No, you are reading too much into what I stated. I never stated such...please be careful. But the Western world at this point is liberal and secular at an extreme. The United States is more conservative than most.

    I am not suggesting theocracy, but the need for more rational common sense ways of looking at humanity and therefore how government should be run.

    Government debts are too high, spending is too high, and there is too much reliance on government to do this and that for the people. Also, there is a liberal morality which fuels abortion on demand, same-sex marriage, and a weak legal system (here in Canada).

    I would not desire for one religion to be favoured as those citizens outside of the religion could face persecution, and in the extreme case of a state church be considered to be committing treason.

    There needs to be a conservative movement which pushes for overall human liberty, but also realizes that certain things are bad for society and should be prohibited.


  6. The Chosen One?! Blecch! Someone told me they think Obama is the AntiChrist! I won't go that far, but I'd believe 'AntiChrist' before I believed 'the Chosen One.' The only way he is 'the Chosen One' is if he gets chosen by a majority of votes!

    The drawing style of that cartoon reminds me of MAD magazine a bit.
