Thursday, August 07, 2008

The most important thing

I'm reading in Ezekiel right now. I must be's not one of the easiest books to read. It's grim, dark and foreboding...."judgment is coming!" it shouts to the exiles of Israel. There are good reasons for this judgment...their unfaithfulness, lying, hard hearts, and deaf ears. The nation of Israel had turned their backs on God and were about to be judged for it. Even with judgment looming they still continued on in their sin. It sounds a lot like the people in the time of the Revelation of John (and our time as well). Even in judgment they are not willing to repent and turn to God. But throughout the book is a golden thread that keeps reappearing....over and over again....more than 60 times in the's this little phrase:

"that you may know that I am the LORD your God."

God's goal is that they (and we today) might know him. That's always been his goal since the fall in the reestablish a living relationship with the man he made. It's why Christ came, died and rose again, to restore our relationship with God so that we may know him.

So, as I'm reading this book day by's a long book...I'm reminded again that my relationship with God is the most important thing in my life! I have to constantly come back to this, and remind myself of it....knowing God and having a relationship with him is the main thing! How do I let that slip away from me so easily? How do I get so busy with other things that I forget? But I do, and books like Ezekiel help to remind me....that the most important thing is to know the God who, once more I come to a fork in the road I have visited many times, and once more turn back to the God who wants me to know him. Because knowing him is the most important thing.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting you mention this..."knowing God". I was thinking about that today as I was listening to Andy Stanley. He was talking about the will of God (yeah, that's another topic I'm currently mulling over). He said that God is more interested in you knowing HIM than in you knowing His will. (And of course he didn't mean that God doesn't want us to know His will.) It was a really good sermon.

    Ezekiel is H-A-R-D. I think I need a double dose of the Holy Spirit Teacher for that book.
