Tuesday, August 05, 2008

How little we know....

An amazing story with my thoughts to follow.....
Gorilla 'mother lode' found in Congo
Tuesday, 5 August 2008 Maggie FoxReuters

Researchers have found 125,000 western lowland gorillas living in the north of the Democratic Republic of Congo, almost doubling the known number of the endangered species.

A report released today at the International Primatological Society Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland says a new census tallied more than 125,000 critically endangered gorillas in a 47,000-square-kilometre area.
Estimates from the 1980s had suggested fewer than 100,000 of the great apes had survived and many experts believed these numbers had been cut nearly in half by disease and hunting.
The census figures, if right, increases the gorilla population estimate to between 175,000 and 225,000.
The Wildlife Conservation Society report shows "that northern Republic of Congo contains the mother lode of gorillas", says society president Steven Sanderson.

"It also shows that conservation in the Republic of Congo is working. This discovery should be a rallying cry for the world that we can protect other vulnerable and endangered species, whether they be gorillas in Africa, tigers in India, or lemurs in Madagascar." .......(read the whole article)

My thoughts- This is only part of the story, but as I read it I thought, "Isn't that amazing? With all we know and are able to do we don't even know how many gorillas there are! Of course I know how limited we are, but some scientists would make you think they know all the answers to the universe and creation and they can't even find out how many gorillas there are right here on planet earth!
I think I will trust what God says....since he made everything and holds it all together he's a much more reliable source than a bunch of scientists who are surprised by "the mother lode of gorillas". It often makes me smile to read how little we really do know. But God says he even knows how many hairs I have on my head. He knew about those gorillas even though the scientists didn't. Here's another opportunity to celebrate a God who is infinite, all powerful and sovereign. Oh, by the way, thanks Lord for preserving these gorillas. What a great blessing to have such amazing animals around us protected by YOU.

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