Tuesday, July 01, 2008

What a day!

This was a very busy day! I just got in a few minutes ago having spent the evening at hospital to be with one of our families. The man of the house was in for emergency surgery, but he made them wait for surgery until I got there and had a chance to pray with him. I was honored. We prayed together, then he said, "Ok, I'm ready now." It's funny how a day goes for a pastor. Some have asked me at times, "what do you do during the week?" I'm far busier now than when I spent a few years in the corporate world. In the corporate world the day is done at 6pm most days, but for a pastor it may be an 18 hour day full of people and needs. I love it. I was designed to be a pastor, and I thrive when I can care for and shepherd people in our church family. There's nothing more fulfilling for me than to be able to serve God and be part of eternal transactions. It was also nice to have doctors wait on me for once....that has never happened before. Usually I'm waiting on them! Well, I'm tired and have an early start tomorrow. Good night........

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