Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Celebrating what remains

I had the chance to spend some time with one of our older couples this afternoon. They are in the later years of their lives. She has lost most of her sight, and he has a chronic, and ultimately fatal disease. It was a very interesting time with them both. The reason for my visit was her request to talk to him....he's very angry because of all that he has lost. He used to hunt, skydive, parachute, backpack, hike, motorcycle....he was the ultimate adventurer and he's angry because he will never do those things again. We had a great visit, and I encouraged him to celebrate what remains....he is still very bright, and his mind is as sharp as ever. His sight is good, and he can talk. I asked him to tell me a story and he told me about his expedition to hunt bear with a bow and arrow! He told the story a grandfather fabricating a fairy tale for his grandchildren, but this was all true! I encouraged him to not be angry over what he has lost, but to celebrate what remains- his sharp mind, his wit, his sight, his home that they still live in, a wonderful wife, kids that love him and support him, friends that care....and there is so much more. How often do we grieve over what we have lost and forget to celebrate what remains. Let me encourage you to be thankful for all God has done in your life, to thank him for it. This dear man said, "I lost the photo of the bear that I shot with the bow. I wish I had it so I could show you." But he had shown me...I saw it in brilliant colors painted with words from the one who lived it. How sad that we miss all that God has blessed us with and choose to be angry over what we have lost. Let me encourage you to be one who celebrates what remains. God's lovingkindness is everlasting, and he will give us great hope and joy in our times of loss celebrating what remains.......


  1. Mike,
    I needed to hear this post... I have/had cancer, and recently lost my father to cancer. I fell very much like the man you talk about! Help me to do what you say in this post, such as being thankfull for all of the things that God has blessed me with. I know I am in a rut and will soon get out, but it is so very hard to turn my worries over to God. I will try to focus on what you have written and see what it brings me as I pray and read the word.

    Thank you.

  2. I will be praying for you, if you want to visit privately please let me know and I will make myself available.

  3. Thanks for the great post, Mike. I also focus on knowing God is totally in control and He knows what I am going through and comforts me in the changes I do not "like."

  4. I sometimes get into a rut too, especially as I get older and see how short life is...I grieve youth as I see my life speeding up faster and faster, I feel afraid of the future sometimes....this gives me new perspective and I hope I can grab onto what you have shared. Like the first post says, I will try to focus on what you have written and pray!

  5. I am young and so confess ignorance in the so much of life, especially grief and loss in the latter years.

    But not only do we have this life to look forward to...but eternity! And oh, what amazing, unimaginable things the Lord has in store for us there! Great encouragement.
