Thursday, July 31, 2008

Two years blogging

Well, it's official. Today I have been blogging for two years. It's been great fun, and I have really enjoyed the fellowship, comments and the opportunity to be creative. I hope I have been creative at times and hopefully interesting, but that will be for someone else to decide. Thank you for taking your precious time to read my thoughts. I hope they have been helpful. I welcome your suggestions for future posts. Thanks for reading....


  1. Happy Anniversary :-) I've enjoyed getting to know you better through your blog.

  2. Happy blogoversary, Mike! Here's hoping for another two years times ten. Or twenty.

  3. Thank you Mike,

    I have become addicted to reading your blog daily. Mike McM

  4. Happy anniversary! It has been fun reading your blog/online diary.
    Susan M

  5. You're an important part of my daily spiritual breakfast! You're grrrreat!

  6. I, too, am addicted. Can't imagine a day without your blog.

  7. Glad to hear it, Mike. I have no suggestions for what you ought to be blogging about; you're doing fine. All the best for many more years online. Peace.
