Wednesday, July 30, 2008

High adventure

I found Scott's blog while looking for another one. I was amazed! Scott is an adventurer pushing the limits of his fears and dreams. Fears and dreams are part of our lives, but few are brave enough to live out their dreams or deal with their fears. What did you dream of doing when you were young that you haven't done yet?


  1. I've been in love with the harp for quite a lot of my life, and will realize the dream of taking it up in 2 years. I have my sights set on a celtic harp (not the large pedal, "golden" ones) and have always dreamed of the visual of a grand piano and harp sitting side by side. And knowing how to play them both! :-) Have been working on piano over the last several years, and it will be a joy to add the harp. I have always, always been mesmerized by the harp and will stop in my tracks should I spot someone playing. It really pulls me in. Maybe you'll see me some Christmas at CBC....if you do, you'll actually see my dreams coming true.

  2. I wanted to be an astronaut. I asked my kids the other day if they ever wanted to be an astronaut and they both said “no.” My chin was on the ground. I thought every kid wanted to be an astronaut!!!!!! Maybe my love for the space program came from the 1960s space race. In my mid-40s, I don’t think I am going to fulfill that dream.
