Saturday, June 14, 2008

What an amazing family!

It's early Saturday morning and I just got back from seeing our Mexico mission trip off. This morning, at 4:30am, 80 people gathered to go to Mexico to build homes for people who don't have a decent place to live. What an amazing family the church is! Every day there are churches around the world reaching out to help others in need. In fact hospitals, soup kitchens, universities and a hundred other helps services were all started by the church of Jesus Christ.

Here's what's amazing to me about our trip this morning-

-each person raised their own support (which included part of the building cost)

-each of them took a week of their own time to go to a dusty, dry part of Mexico and work to help someone else

-all of them were at the church at 4:30 this morning to ride for 12 hours to serve others

-they will be sleeping in tents all week to build a house for someone else

-most of these people have done this trip before and love it

-they are all excited when they return because they were able to help someone else

-did I mention that most of the people on this trip are teenagers?

What an amazing family the church of Jesus Christ is! Having been on many mission trips it's always amazing to see that on every trip people are sacrificing of their time and money to help someone else. There is no other group of people on planet earth like the church of Jesus Christ. The church, reaching out in love as Christ commanded, has made a tremendous difference in the lives of millions. Today I'm excited to be part of such an amazing family- the Church of Jesus Christ!

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