Friday, June 13, 2008

The results of bad food

You've heard the expression, "sicker than a dog?" That was me. I found myself suffering from food poisoning. The food induced illness triggered other problems, and I was miserable. I'm feeling better today, but things like these are always opportunities for object lessons to me. I really trusted the restaurant I went to on that day, and enjoyed the meal little knowing that it would make me miserably ill for the next 3 days. I trusted the restaurant to give me good food, and because they failed I suffered. (I'm still a little ill today, but getting better.)

Many of you have had food poisoning, so I don't need to go into details on the results, but it's not fun.

So let me use this horrible experience to make a spiritual application- what you "eat" spiritually does matter. You may trust the source, but it might make you ill. There's a lot of "food" (ideas, truths, teachings) being offered that are good for you and will make you grow, but there is much being offered that will make you sick spiritually. You take in the nourishment with great enjoyment only to find soon afterward that you have been made ill by it. The problem with spiritual food poisoning is that you may not know how sick you are from the "food" (ideas, teaching) you have consumed. It's easy to eat from a dumpster thinking it's great stuff if you don't know any better. But when you get good food then the "bad stuff" becomes evident. There needs to be a reliable food source that we can measure the rest by, and there is...the bible is the one food supply that always offers good food for the hungry soul. It's also a great measuring stick to evaluate all other food offered to you. If the "meal" being offered doesn't line up with what the word of God offers then there is a real good chance it will make you sick. So be careful where you go for your nourishment. There is wonderful food available, but there is also much that will make you miserable. Be careful where you go for your "spiritual meals." It will affect you for good or for ill.

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