Monday, April 28, 2008

Thoughts on great men

I'm reading the book of Job right now. I can't read about a life like this without trying to imagine what Job looked like to his friends after his hardships. The text says they didn't even recognize him. Trials, grief, loss, great sorrow will change how we look. I can only imagine how this great man of faith had been dramatically changed by what had happened to him.

I found this photo and immediately thought about Job. What has happened to create a face like this? This distinctive face hints at amazing stories. I would love to know more about this life....what has he seen? What has he done? What trials has he endured? What losses has he suffered?

What stories Job's face must have told to his friends. He had lost nearly everything, even his health, but he would not curse God. He didn't understand why his life had changed so dramatically, but he refused to blame God. Each time I read his story and his ongoing struggle as he visited with his "friends" I realize that Job gave us a great education in how to walk through difficult days. Whatever trials or struggles you go through know that God is watching over you. He has not left you. He's fully in charge of our lives as we go through the trials of life. Job has been a great teacher to me, and I value the education I gain each time I enter his "classroom."

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