Monday, April 28, 2008

Roll Call!

Thank you for taking the time to stop by. It's quite an honor to know that you would invest your valuable time in reading my wandering thoughts, but I often wonder who has been here. So, this is roll call week! If you would be so kind please leave a comment with just your first name and location. If you want to leave a comment or suggestion I would love that as well.

Ok, line up, sound off, Roll Call!


  1. Laura in Lewisville. I think I've been reading your blog for well over a year and half! You keep up an amazing pace I enjoy the mix you bring. Your blog is also a great resource for other blogs. I check in on you and several others from your list everyday.

  2. Tony - North Texas! (you know where! Peace bro!

  3. Mike McM - on the computer at home.

  4. Tyler Crum-The Colony (if I'm at home), Dallas (when I'm at work).
    You're the best Mike!

  5. Lori in Highland Village. I stop by oh pretty much every day.

    I love your blog and am blessed by your wanderings of real life adventures.

    Thanks, Mike!

  6. Present and accounted for!
    Karen in Highland Village, frequent but not daily visits leave me better as a Christian! Thanks, Brother.

  7. Paul from Iowa
    Great stuff you put on your blog!
    I read it every day. Thanks, Mike, for your insight into the scriptures!

  8. Pat - Jchon and Dawns Oklahoma Mom

    You are a nightly refreshment after a days work.

  9. Hi Mike! Renee' in Lewisville checking in!! I love to see what's on your blog. I don't get on daily, because I seem to get lost in "Blog Land" so I have to limit myself!! :) I love your stories and your insight. I often read, but don't comment though. Yours, Lori's and Brent's blogs offer great topics and insight and definitely provoke great thoughts in me. . .I'm not as eloquent as some of the other readers and can't seem to get my "great thoughts" into great words for great, thought provoking comments!! I am not at all shy in person, but I think I am a "shy" blogger!! Have a great day!!

  10. Sharon - Flower Mound. I appreciate the diversity of your blog. Cartoons to deep thoughts on our Savior. And sometimes the deep thoughts are in the cartoons! Thank you!

  11. Stephanie-Lewisville. Stopping in at least weekly and loving what you present here for us.

  12. James, in the suburbs outside of metropolitan Justin, Texas

  13. Heidi from Highland Village stops by every day or every other. Love your insights, but am a lot like 'Renee' above. If you could see my heart though!

    Keep up this valuable ministry, we appreciate it.

  14. Robyn in Australia.
    You're sometimes like an oasis in the desert... very inspiring and encouraging ;)

  15. Brent...7 doors down from your office.

  16. Leslie from Orlando, FL. Found your blog through a link on another blog. I think I must put this on my list of must reads. Have a wonderful week!

  17. Lu - HV, TX. Stop by most every day.

  18. I start my day with a dose of Mike! Faithfully! I love the pathways your mind wanders down as well as how you express your thoughts and lessons learned. You make it so personal and applicable to my everyday life. The cartoons and pictures you find are amazing and so cool. Thanks for the time you put into the blog. God bless and keep it up!!

  19. Dawn- Denton TX
    Love the encouragement and inspiration;-)

  20. susan in fm. I love reading your thoughts. Thanks for sharing them here.

  21. Lana in Highland Village. You've been on my Favorite's List for quite a long time - well over a year now. Since I read them at work - a welcome respite during busy days - Mondays are always bonus days for me. All your lovely enriching thoughts compile over the weekend to start the week with a big bang. I especially like your taste in cartoons and music. But the best part is learning at the knee of Mike. Thank you for your faithfulness.

  22. Lynne in Flower Mound. Faithful follower, occasional comments ... Well done, good and faithful servant!

  23. Susan in Highland Village. You are an amazing person; I appreciate your wisdom.

  24. Theresa - down the street

  25. Kris in Flower Mound...always thought provoking!

  26. Pony and Petey in Houston, Texas!

    But sometimes Petey reads your blog from Turkey, Kuwait, Israel, Scotland, Germany, New York City, Seoul, Tokyo, Anchorage, England, Qatar, Shanghai, Saudi Arabia and many others but I'm too tired to keep listing them = ))

  27. natalie in Beavercreek, OH... soon to be Dallas, TX!

  28. Kerry in Shady Shores, Tx

  29. Duke in Corinth. I read you blog about twice a week. Thanks Mike

  30. Stacey in Justin,TX. I stop by when I find the time. :)
