Monday, April 14, 2008


I'm on cloud 9 tonight. I got my cast off today. What a relief! I feel liberated. I'm not back to normal yet, but on my day at a time.
But it's funny how the winds blow. Before my doctor's visit I went to have the insurance company look at our car. It was damaged in the hail storm last week. It was quite a surprise to have them come back to the car and tell me, "We are going to total your car. We will be in touch with you later in the week with the details." That was a surprise! It's funny that after years of blessings and trials I'm quite aware that the trials bother me less than they used to. I remember the days when problems were much bigger than they are now. But after years of dealing with the ups and downs of life I find I'm better able to sail above the problems and simply enjoy the winds that God provides. He has always kept us "afloat," he has always directed our ways. He will do it again.
So tonight I'm rejoicing in a liberated foot that is healing nicely and thanking God for a dinged up car that has met our needs for many years.

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