Monday, April 14, 2008

Guest blog- Christian rights

My amazing son-in-law, Zach, posted a comment to the previous entry. He is such a good writer and thinker that I wanted to elevate his thoughts to a new category: "Guest blog," so here are his thoughts on the topic of Christian rights-

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me." (Gal 2:20)

There, I found your problem.

Dead people don't have rights. A lot of people these days seem to want Socialized Christianity. They want our government to approve and sanction Jesus. The apostles didn't try to make their government approve of them before they began their mission. They preached Christ to the people in spite of the government and were thrown in prison because of it, which is exactly where God wanted them at that time, unless He didn't want them in prison, in which case He broke them out. If she really feels like the ten commandments should be displayed publicly (referring to a woman's comments who was upset that the 10 commandments were not displayed), she shouldn't expect the government to do it. The government can barely govern itself; I don't want it anywhere near the Bible. You ought to tell her to go and read the ten commandments to passersby herself.

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