Thursday, March 20, 2008

His last hours

Today is the day before good Friday. It's the time we remember what Jesus Christ did for us when he died in our place and paid our sin debt. For the human race it's one of the most important days in history.

On this day, Thursday, he ate the passover meal with his disciples. We have a detailed account of this meal in John 13-17. It's an amazing passage that should be studied by every believer. Some of the final teachings of Jesus at that supper are foundational instructions for us today- his example as the ultimate servant when he washed the feet of the disciples, his instructions about loving one another, his teaching about the future home he is going to prepare, his promise to return, the keys to living the Christian life in John 15, details about the Holy Spirit revealed at this dinner that we didn't know before, his prayer for the disciples and for US.

It's amazing to me that the creator of the universe became a man, lived a sinless life, loved the world with such a love that he went to the cross to pay our sin debt, then rose again to give us new life. It's the most amazing event of all time, and has literally changed the world and the lives of millions who have put their faith in him as savior.

A friend of mine, David Shibley, wrote these words in a newsletter he sent to me today and I thought I would close with his thoughts on this day....

"When we place our faith in Christ’s atoning work for us, we begin an eternity with God – we “have eternal life.” Not only does this mean we will live with God forever. It also means we have the very life of God; what the original Greek language calls zoe life. Jesus said, “I am come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

So, in this Holy Week, remember, rejoice, and worship the conquering Christ."


I'm blessed that his life, death and resurrection has changed my eternity! -Mike

1 comment:

  1. Great post, and 100% accurate. The historical event is a well documented fact and the basis for our faith. One thing that is often overlooked however, is that not only do we put our faith in him and his work for us, but his life becomes ours. We should be able to see a change withn us that looks like Christ. Some key attributes you should notice are sacrifice, compassion, selflessness, obedience, etc... Accepting the gift is step one, step two is becoming like our Lord. Justification and sanctification. Thank you Lord.
